Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is a highway without chairs?

Well, it is a sad highway.  It is a highway without character.  There are people out there who remove the chairs, people who don't understand or appreciate the chairs.  They are 'government' people who put the chairs on a truck and drive them to a chair depot.  I wonder how the chair enthusiasts will respond?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

You will see the chairs, on the road to Beverley and Brookton.

If you see the chairs sitting quietly beside the road, give them a wave.  They have a lonely time, waiting for
their namesake to arrive.

Friday, April 15, 2011

John and Dave are on the road to a new Brookton

New friends have joined us

A few more chairs every week.  Some interesting pairs such as Mork and Mindy.  This could take the idea in a new direction, but it will need two chairs instead of one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The chairs grow, the forest watches

Here we have Harry, Alf, Jack, Joe, Dee, Keith and Ian.  The short names are certainly a feature.  With limited space on the back of a chair, the artists could not really use longer names.  Drivers also need to read the name as they are travel past at speed.  Alf is an old favourite, we have seen him come and go.  Audrey was also a very early name, although not on a chair.  Her name was on a rough sign.  Life goes on!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is this international?

This sign was found outside Toronto.  Maybe the guys who put the chairs on the Brookton Highway are part of an international movement?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fred, Wilma and Lester

Some new chairs on the old Brookton Highway.  They are like old friends who have come along to sit in the bush and watch us drive past.  We wave, like the royalty travelling along, acknowledging the men an women that made this road great!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Troy and Adele

There they are, side by side next to the highway.  A bit like a Henry Moore sculpture, they are regal and dignified. But as night falls, it is cold out in the Australian bush. The owl hoots, the bandicoot scratches and a dead branch falls.  Do they nudge closer when no-one is looking?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why do these chairs appear?

Well who knows.  It is a mystery.  We started seeing them when driving up the Highway, which is East of Perth.  It started about two years ago.  All sorts of old chairs, with curious names written on them.  They move around, they disappear and they return.  It does not really matter who is doing it but it does make the trip interesting.  Creative and organic.

A Wanda in the Forest.

Small chairs, big chairs

Friday, March 25, 2011

They went, but they are returning!

So the chairs were removed in early March 2011, but it looks like the True Believers are slowly bringing them back.  Very slightly anarchic, creative and fun.  I am worried about Goat.  He is a bit of a mischief with that spray can. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brookton Highway chairs

So here we are on the Brookton Highway, counting the chairs.  What does it all mean?